Does every long story have a foreordained ending?
Wow! But ...
"Are We There Yet?"
"Tax Me, Baby!" : Big Oil's Response to Pricing Carbon
Some oil producers publicly accept climate science, recognize that burning oil has an environmental cost, want carbon's cost to be be covered in a pricing mechanism, and want the mechanism to take the form of a straight, society-wide carbon tax. This seems like a radical position for a conservative, and vested party. Is it? The interesting answer is, no.
Sustaining Aviation Series, Post 3: My Week
Sustaining Aviation Series, Post 2 : Limitations of Trading in Carbon
Sustaining Aviation Series, Post 1: ICAO
Commercial aviation constitutes a poster child example of how energy-intensive activity enjoyed by those with wealth--whether in rich or poor nations--can become sustainable ... or not. This first 'Sustaining Aviation' blog post brings you into the discussion where global attention is currently most focused.